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General Information & Privacy

ACISAA Website: The Army Counterintelligence (ACI) Special Agent Association (ACISAA) is a non-profit military-related professional association. The ACISAA website is intended for public viewing with sections specific to ACISAA members. There is also a forum with sections exclusively for current or former ACI Special Agents to communicate with each other privately (in a non-classified manner), regardless of membership in the ACISAA. While the ACISAA is made up of current and former ACI agents, the ACISAA not affiliated the U.S. Army, U.S. Department of Defense, or any other aspect of the U.S. Government. Material contained on the ACISAA website or submitted by it's members also does not imply endorsement of ACISAA by any U.S. Government entities. Any links or advertisements on this site do not convey endorsement by ACISAA, or it's members.


Privacy Policy: ACISAA does not collect data on visitors to this site other than normal membership data which does not contain any PII. Your data is safe. Any information you provide us through the ACISAA web site – including your name and e-mail address, is for the exclusive use of ACISAA for membership purposes or for ACISAA forum subscription. It will not be sold or shared with any person, group or entity. Security measures are in place on this site through its host ensuring that this data will not be shared or leaked. 


That being said, no system is 100% secure. If you still feel like you do not want to share information via this site in order to gain membership, please contact the website administrator at:


Forum: The ACISAA forum is an unofficial, private resource for persons currently or formerly involved in ACI. It is not affiliated with the U.S. Army, U.S. Department of Defense, or any other part of the U.S. Government.  The ACISAA forum is a controlled access resource whose subscription is limited to those in the ACI community, past and present (regardless of ACISAA membership--but subscription is required before becoming a member). 

ACISAA Vetting:  All visitors subscribing to the ACISAA forum will be vetted (i.e. basic information collected to ensure subscriber is past or present ACI Special Agent who is currently serving or previously served honorably). Any subscribers applying for ACISAA membership will be further vetted to ensure they meet the appropriate criteria. Candidates can be sponsored by a member, and the member should send in the name, MOS info, and candidate’s email address to the moderators. If you do not have a sponsor, expect your membership to be scrutinized more, requiring documentation proving ACI affiliation.


Forum Description: The ACISAA forum is open to all active, reserve, national guard, civilian, former, and retired ACI Special Agents who held MOS 35L, 351L, 35E, 35A (w/2E identifier), 97B, 351B, 36A, 9666, 301, 1301, GS-0132 Civil Service civilians, or other legacy MOS not listed, who are graduates of the U.S. Army CI Special Agent Course (CISAC) or legacy course. The ACISAA forum is privately moderated. Subscription requests will be approved by an administrator or moderator after verification of a candidate’s ACI status.


The primary purpose of the forum is to discuss CI trends, training, news, current events, history and to serve as a general forum for current, former, and retired ACI Special Agents, to hold virtual discussions in a professional and fraternal environment. 


Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • National Security

  • ACI Reform

  • CI/HUMINT community news

  • CI, Intel and Security related news articles

  • Internet research resources

  • Unclassified doctrine

  • CI/HUMINT History

  • Training lessons learned

  • Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTP)

  • Open source CI/HUMINT Trends

  • Open source emerging CI/HUMINT Technologies/C4I

  • Job Opportunities

  • Training opportunities


Please note that some forum categories are restricted. Associate members who are not ACI agent qualified will not have full access to all categories, and there are sections restricted to ACISAA members that general forum subscribers will not have access to. The ACISAA forum is run in the interest of an academic exchange of information and ideas as a means for advancement of CI related issues. Views expressed in messages posted are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Army, or the Department of Defense.  In accordance with Title 17, sect. 107 U.S.C, material on ACISAA forum is collected and disseminated by unpaid volunteers for educational and non-profit purposes only.



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